Unit Title: New Media

Unit Title: New Media Lessons for the Computer
Lesson Title: Contour Computer Drawing
Author: Paula Duddy
Overview: It is important to help students to become familiar with the drawing tools on the computer. This lesson will provide students with the opportunity to experiment with computer software as a new medium.

Frameworks: Arts Content
Grade Level: Grades 9-12
.To become familiar with the drawing tools on the computer.
.To use the computer to make contour drawings of simple objects like shoes, a hand or the contents of a wallet.
.To compare processes and encounters using traditional art making methods vs. the computer generated image.
Time: 40 minutes
Motivation: Students will make a simple contour drawing of their shoe and hand using a variety of traditional media. When they move to the computer stations they will work with a mouse and then have an opportunity to compare the two art-making processes.
Materials: Traditional art supplies such as pencils, pastels, oil crayon, charcoal, computer workstations with a paint program, discs, printer. Optional Supplies: digital camera, LCD display.
1. Allow students five minutes per image to create two contour drawings of simple subject matter using traditional art materials.
2. Moving to the computer work stations students are expected make contour drawings of the same simple objects using the mouse and a basic paint program.
3. Ask students at the computer to practice looking only at the subject they are drawing without watching the lines as they appear on the computer monitor.
4. Students will save their images on a disc.
5. During critique engage the class in a discussion comparing the use traditional media in making a contour drawing vs. using new media.
6. Print images in color or grayscale for display
Reflections: Student reflections about their encounter with the mouse as a drawing tool can provide meaningful creative problem solving issues. What were the triumphs? Frustrations? Did you arrange your objects in a composition? Were you able to overlap and capture the object from several vantage points? Did you incorporate color into your design?
Resources: MSPaint, Freehand
Modifications: This lesson may require more than 40 minutes.
Special Considerations: Students will come to the class with a variety of computer skills from beginner to advanced. A "buddy system" policy where one student can help another can be effective.